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Motion Detector
Motion Detector is a microwave sensor that detects minute motion of human bodies and reflective objects. It is operated by AC source and automatically on and off electric instruments including lamps. So it can drastically reduce the amount of electricity.

It can be applicable to all the lamps.

It can detect moving objects more than 20m and insensitive to dust, light and ambient temperature etc.

The attached CDS detects environmental light not to turn on the lamps to reduce unnecessary lighting.

The electric instruments can be used in parallel connection if the overall power consumption of used electric instruments doesn't exceed 1,500W. The case when the power consumption is more than 1,500W, an external solid state relay should be used additionally to switching the devices.

The detection range can be adjusted according to the area of the application. The coverage can be widened unlimitedly by parallel connection of Motion Detector.

Company Info
Address Unit 2202, Causeway Bay Plaza I, 489 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Telephone 2838 3324
Contact Mr. Iu (姚先生)

Induction Lamp (Ring, Rectangle & Oval Series)
Ring Series lamps are donut-shaped and suitable for round fixtures such as low/high bay industrial lighting, retail and general outdoor lighting. Our ring series lamps have even been installed in recessed can fixtures to be used in general office lighting projects. Available wattages range is 40-300W.

Rectangle series lamps are especially suitable for square or rectangular fixtures. The rectangle series are widely used for road, tunnel and building flood light fixtures. Available wattages range is 40-300W.

Oval Series induction lamps are especially suitable for all kinds of street light fixture because of te unique shape.

The Frequency Electrodeless Discharge Lamp (FEDL) relies on the fundamental principles of electromagnetic induction and gas discharge to create light.

Based on these well-known principes, light can be generated via a gas discharge through simple magnetism. Electromagnetic transformers, which consist of rings with metal coils, create an electromagnetic field around a glass tube which contains the gas, using a high frequency that is generated by an electronic ballast. The discharge path, induced by coils, forms a closed loop causing acceleration of free electrons, which collide with mercury atoms and excite the electrons. As the excited electrons from these atoms fall back from this higher energy state to a lower stable level, they emit ultraviolet radiation. The UV radiation created is converted to visible light as it passes through a phosphor coating on the surface of the tube.

Because there’s no electrodes, no filament to be damaged, its long performance life up to 10 years, lasting up to 100 times as long compared with incandescent lamp, 5-15 times compared with High Intensity Discharge lamp, 5-10 times compared with fluorescent lamp.

Induction Lamp Features
- Patented IC controlled electronic ballast
- No electrodes or filaments, external ferrite coils
- Wide voltage (120-277V, 12/24DC)/wattage range (15W-400W)
- Available color temperatures : 2700K, 3500K, 4000K, 5000K, 6500K
- Low EMC interference frequency of 230KHz
- Reliable ignition at -40℃
- Color Rendition CRL 82 with no shifting over life
- High Luminous efficacy, 80 lm/W, Efficiency Pupil Luminous at150PLm/W
- Excellent lumen maintenance over life
- Low total harmonic distortion (THD) 2.7%
- Super efficient power factor of 0.99
- Full action spectrum
- Electrolyte capacitance be able to bear high temperature (105℃), Resist high voltage (450V)
Company Info
Address Unit 2202, Causeway Bay Plaza I, 489 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Telephone 2838 3324
Contact Mr. Iu (姚先生)

T5 Fluorescent Fixture (Tube & Adaptor)

Changed from T8 to T5: 43% - 55% of energy saving

Environmentally friendly: 65% of mercury and glass are minimized

Standard version (all length) : Save up to 36% energy for single tube configuration and
56% for three-tube louver configuration
Low-voltage version (48” only) : Save up to 52% energy for single tube configuration and
67% for three-tube louver configuration
Plug and Save (PnS), All in One design
No rewiring, No reengineering work
Light Lux increase by 70% for 4’ standard version
Fast starting, no flickering, no noise
Stable light source, provide comfortable
environment for long hour working
Life time lasts for 80,000 hours
High power factor
Low total harmonic distortion
Low cost of ownership, payback period can be < 4 months
Embedded with mirror reflector
Mercury composition of T5 tube is much less than that of T8 tube, which is much more environmental friendly
Complied to CE Marking and HK Safety Mark
Meeting international safety standard IEC61347, performance standard IEC60929, EMC standard IEC61000-3-2, IEC61000-3-3, IEC55015, IEC61547
Company Info
Address Unit 2202, Causeway Bay Plaza I, 489 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Telephone 2838 3324
Contact Mr. Iu (姚先生)
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